Habitats: explore

This session provides opportunities for learners to develop observational and identification skills. They can practice observing and comparing nature in preparation for using identification keys and flow charts. 

This is recommended as session two of the Lower Key Stage Two Habitats Unit, developing identification and ecology skills. 

< 30 minutes


Green skills

  • Identification and ecology
  • Recording data

Step by step

Quick starter activity

Give learners a selection of different natural objects. These could be ones you have collected before the session or ask each learner to find a safe natural object and bring it to their group. Objects could include stones, pinecones, seeds and flowers (ensure learners avoid picking live flowers and avoid insects). 

Ask learners to discuss different ways they could group their objects. Encourage learners to explore a range of grouping based on different characteristics, for example soft and hard, small and large. Discuss the ideas as a class. 

Main activity suggestions  

Suggestion 1 (outdoor) 

Nature Park activity: Leaf Identification This activity encourages learners to look closely and start to identify the similarities and differences of trees found in their outdoor space. They will ask questions and ‘really look’ to try and find the tree the leaf came from. This also introduces the concept of identifying plants in their site, by exploring the space and making observations. Learners may wish to use the Leaf ID guides to identify the tree species. This activity could be completed in a local park if your school's outdoor space has minimal trees. 

Suggestion 2 (indoor)

WWT: Who lives where? Learners explore wetland habitats, micro-habitats and the wildlife that live there. Through carefully observing wildlife cards, learners make decisions on where different wildlife might live. They can discuss the similarities and differences between different wildlife. 

Top tips

Consolidate your green skills! These activities will help learners to observe and identify different biodiversity within a habitat. This is an integral skill to the National Education Nature Park process and part of the Identification and Ecology skill set.