EYFS: A Nature Park Guide

The EYFS Nature Park guide supports the youngest learners to connect to nature and explore green changes to their settings.  Nature connection in early childhood is crucial for developing a lifelong relationship with the natural world. Supporting learners to build a positive connection with nature in the Early Years can motivate and empower them to protect and value its importance now and, in the future. 

~ 1 hour
Educator Guidance

Nature Park EYFS Key Aims

  • Begin to learn about the variety of plants, animals and living things on our planet
  • Develop a positive relationship with nature
  • Develop a sense of awe and wonder about the natural world
  • Understand that our actions can positively impact our planet

How to use the EYFS resources

The Nature Park Early Years continuous planning units are designed around the Early Learning Goals (ELG). New and exciting continuous provision stations have been designed for each of the seven Early Learning Goals. On each of the ELG pages, the following can be found:

  • A continuous provision station that leads to open-ended, independently accessible enquiry learning
  • A range of additional adult-led activities which support the expected level of development identified in the statutory framework along with the EYFS Nature park key aims. 
  • ELG outcomes
  • Suggested green skills developed 

Educators can select continuous provision stations that best align with their setting. Where possible, use and enrich any outdoor spaces and access local green spaces to support young people in developing a positive connection with nature. For fully indoor settings, small nature collections and tuff spots can be brought in.

To enhance Nature Park Continuous Provision further, the following guides have been provided:

  • Nature-themed book lists recommended by the BookTrust
  • A guide for role play and green careers
  • A green skills guide - Early Years learners will be in the very beginning stages of developing these skills but the guidance gives a broad overview