Sinking island

The Pacific island nation of Kiribati recently announced its purchase of land in mountainous Fiji for its population to move to when sea level rises make life on its own low-lying islands impossible. 

In this activity students use data to predict sea level rises, including uncertainties, and decide whether humans are to blame for climate change. If humans are to blame, then should the biggest polluters pay for land for vulnerable islanders to escape to?    

© Mastery Science. Licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0. European Commission ENGAGE project.

~ 1 hour


For detailed running notes, download the teachers guide, along with the slides and student worksheets.


  • Indoors

Curriculum links

  • Geography
  • Citizenship

Step by step

  • Starter:  Discover that Kiribati has bought land for its islanders to escape to. Explain rising sea levels.
  • Core task: Make predictions about rising sea levels in Kiribati.
  • Plenary: Discuss the impact of rising sea levels on the people of Kiribati.
  • Extension: Evaluate evidence to decide whether humans are to blame for climate change.
  • Plenary: Vote on whether climate culprits should buy land for vulnerable islanders to escape to.