Climate change Q&A for younger learners
This resource is based on the latest evidence available to scientists and has been adapted from Climate Change Evidence & Causes, produced by the Royal Society and the US National Academy of Sciences. Presenting a set of questions and answers responding to the prompt 'What do you want to know about climate change?' to provide the foundational knowledge needed to understand the causes and impacts of climate change, as well as tackle common misconceptions. This version of the resources uses language suitable for primary pupils and contains 10 questions.
© The Royal Society. Licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
Download the resources and select an option for use below that works for your learners and context
- Indoors
Curriculum links
- Science
- Geography
Step by step
Suggestions for use:
- As a card sort activity or as wall posters within science or geography lessons
- To promote debate or discussion
- To review learning as a quiz activity
- In drama, creative writing, or even in an assembly
- To support the work of an Eco-Committee
- To support independent research and project work
- To support homework tasks
- To enhance teacher knowledge